Thursday, March 12, 2020

Veganism Debunked by Nature Itself

Veganism Debunked by Nature Itself
Written March 2020 by CarnivoreTruth

Archival News: Wind Spirit channel was taken down. Before this happened, the user also deleted all channel comments, in some lame attempt to censor links to this blog. However, it's already posted in my playlist, which already has more views. I will be uploading the complete Aajonus MDISC mp3 collection here soon. This knowledge is very important, although Aajonus had some things wrong.

Coronavirus News: Already proven to be a coverup psyops for 5G depopulation agenda. More satanic illuminazi propaganda and PRS fear mongering. Funny how the zionists say you should "cook your meat thoroughly" to reduce your chances of getting infected.

This Vegan Mental Illness "Death Cult" still plagues our planet. It's gotten much worse the past decade, and will only continue to kill more creatures unless we fight for our rights against the oppressing elitist cowards trying to take away our natural rights to eat meat. Lately, I've seen tons of pathetic vegan shills trying to obfuscate the truth that humans are obligate carnivores. Mostly on controlled opposition platforms (ran by corrupt troll admins) such as youtube, reddit, and other sites, where they are rewarded for spewing lies, and where the truth is aggressively censored by shill admins/mods. One such example is this disinformation troll thread:

This picture and thread is so idiotic, it basically refutes itself. Nevertheless, I'll break it down for all the vegtards and soy boys out there still living in denial. First of all, pandas are Bears, they are obligate carnivores. Same for monkeys, apes, and all primates, which primarily live off of insect protein.

Now it's important to distinguish why all these vegans are incorrect. They are endorsing a strawman claim that "all animals which each meat have front-facing eyes", in an attempt to obfuscate the FACTS of nature, which are:
- All carnivorous mammals have front-facing eyes. Humans, dogs, cats, etc. are obligate carnivores. Sometimes these eat plants, but their digestive system is not primarily adapted for it.
- All herbivorous mammals have side-facing eyes. Cows, goats, horses, etc. Sometimes these eat animals, but their digestive system is not primarily adapted for it.
- Carnivorous animals exist which have side-facing eyes, but only in NON-MAMMAL classes such as reptiles, birds, fish, etc. Alligators, sharks, snakes for example. None of those are mammals!

The key point here is that all "mammals" (not "animals") with front-facing eyes are obligate carnivores. It just goes to show the level of stupidity, brainwashing, and cognitive dissonance these mentally ill slaves suffer from, and subsequently impose upon everyone else they can manipulate, to validate their own insecurities of being accepted as a "good little slave" by the elitists. Now, let's disprove the comments of all these ignorant shills and pawns.

"The only reason we have front facing eyes in the first place is because of our primate ancestors. Forward facing eyes helps with depth perception, which helped our ancestors swing from tree to tree." - BlueWeavile
- Absolute bullshit, it is actually because for thousands of years, human tribes hunted large animals to survive.

"I'm vegan, but I just want to say that ambush predators have a different arrangement than those who stalk their prey like cats, dogs, and the like. Every species is adapted to their environment (queue invasive species), so there's always going to be a few exceptions to whatever rule there is. And yes, I know that this is meant to be a joke, but the more you know!" - rabidcoral
- Another failed attempt to defend the strawman conflation of a completely irrelevant argument with the truth of nature itself.

"In other words, having front facing eyes does not necessarily mean the animal is a predator or meant to eat meat. (Not that it matters anyway)" - Shakaharee
- Wrong. Having front facing eyes as a mammal is a direct indicator that the animal is a predator and meant to eat meat, but this rule does NOT apply to non-mammals. It's also total rubbish to say what you're "meant to eat" doesn't matter.

"Yep! However it also doesn't mean it wasn't adapted to eat meat either." - rabidcoral
- Wrong, for the same reason as above.

"Pretty sure the whole point is that the argument is stupid, he's showing contradictions not actually trying to argue it." - JoelMahon
- Correct, in that anyone who makes the argument that all ANIMALS with side-facing eyes are herbivores, is incorrect. However, there are no contradictions when the truth is stated. Show me one mammal that is carnivorous with eyes on the side of its head, or an herbivorous mammal with eyes on the front. You can't. Primates and Humans are not designed to eat plants as a primary source of nutrition.

"That is the point of the pic." - The-Mathematician
- No, as I said before, the point of the pic is to distract people from realizing the real fact; that this easily recognized difference of anatomical structure regarding eye placement applies to mammals only - not animals in general.

"I've never heard this one before, good to know how to disprove it" - ChiChiBoobie
- That's what shills are trained to do. Hide the real facts with a false argument, which can easily be 'disproven', as a means to trick those who are unaware of the truth into believing their delusions. You can't disprove the truth though, especially when it's presented without a bunch of strawmen fallacies surrounding it.

"Ah the visual predation hypothesis, the theory that primates evolved front facing eyes to hunt insects off of trees, the ultimate justification to slit a cows throat /s Not only is it a dumb argument to eat meat it’s just incorrect, most anthropologists accept the arboreal locomotion hypothesis instead." - PmMeYourSoul
- Another strawman argument from a vegan shill. The way that primates evolved in nature has nothing to do with modern factory farming and the abnormal, unnatural methods of torture and execution which animals go through in such environments. Slitting a cow's throat is not required in order to kill it. Furthermore, it's not a visual predation hypothesis, it is a scientifically observable fact that all mammals designed to eat meat have front-facing eyes. Not only is this shill making a dumb argument to eat plants, he's ignoring all the science proving that meat is the viable type of food which carnivores are meant to eat. /u/PmMeYourSoul is incorrect, 180 degrees completely out of phase with reality - yet thinks his conflation of various strawmen fallacies somehow proves his vegan delusion. Hilarious. The arboreal locomotion hypothesis is absolute BS anyway, more NWO nonsense.

"We have eyes in the front our head so our tree dwelling ancestors didn't fall 30 feet off a branch and break their neck, lol." - READERmiivegan
- Our ancestors spent far more time hunting, killing, and eating animals, than they did swinging around trees like a bunch of monkeys. What a retarded failed argument.

"For those that aren't aware ... the picture is disproving the statement: "We are meant to eat meat because we have got front facing eyes..." I've heard this talking-point many times, even on serious websites. It has to do with how animals hunt. Turns out, it's only how SOME animals hunt. Location of eyes does not prove humans are adapted to eat meat." - High-Fruit-Trinity
- Incorrect. For those who still don't get it, the picture disproves a strawman argument, by trying to conflate humans (carnivorous mammals) with non-mammal carnivores, such as alligators. Vegan shills like to spew this strawman in a desperate attempt to hide the truth, which is so blatantly obvious that only a completely brainwashed slave idiot would fail to understand. Location of eyes on mammals proves whether or not they are designed to eat meat. Not location of eyes on animals. Specifically mammals. I have yet to see one vegan try to disprove that. Because they can't.

"Pandas are in the Order Carnivora, but anyway, point taken." - [deleted]
- No, the point is a fallacy. Pandas are obligate carnivores, as well as mammals. Talk about cognitive dissonance...

"I get what you're saying but the top roware all mammals and the bottom row aren't. Cats have eyes on the front of their heads for example.its almost like that isnt a single factor for determining diet" - vacuousaptitude
- One person actually gets it! Well, almost. He just didn't put the pieces together by noticing that THERE ARE NO MAMMALS WITH EYES ON THE SIDE OF THEIR HEAD WHICH EAT MEAT PRIMARILY.

"Rats are mammals, have sideway eyes but eat omnivore and even carnivore diets. Also, among mammals all apes and monkeys have front facing eyes like humans, most are all herbivores." - Shakahareevegan
- Rats and mice are not carnivores, they are herbivores by nature. Some rodents adapt to eating meat for survival, just like cows, and rodent eyes are still partially forward-facing compared to ruminants. Bats on the other hand, are obligate carnivores, and have forward facing eyes. There are no apes, monkeys, primates, or humans, which are herbivores in nature. All the GMO soy crops in the world won't change that, instead they only cause genetic atrophy and disease. Cows, humans, and most animals in general are not designed to consume grains.

"Okay but having front facing eyes isn't that made them mostly herbivorous (they do eat some small percentage from animals.) It's because they're primates. For example a deers eyes are on the side of its head. It's an herbivore. Eye position had more to do with the environment you evolved in that the diet. - vacuousaptitude
- Incorrect when it comes to mammals. Eye position indicates the diet for mammals, but for reptiles and other animal classes, it is in fact more dependent upon the environment. Primates also eat plant fiber, but they don't digest it the way ruminants do. Most of their nutrition comes from the insects.

"Not only primates, every single herbivore including deers and even cows can be seen eating small amounts of animals every now and then. So no, eating small amount of animals occasionally doesn't make apes omnivore or carnivore just like eating small amounts of grass occasionally doesn't make cats omnivore or herbivore." - Shakahareevegan
- Yes, and carnivores can be seen eating plants too. That doesn't make them omnivores. Stuffing a loaf of corn bread or a head of broccoli down your throat doesn't mean you are going to effectively digest it, just because you eat it. Another often overlooked fact is that animal foods will be easier to digest for herbivores, than plant foods are for carnivores. There aren't antinutrients, oxylates, phytic acid, lectins, etc.

"Okay you're not responding to the actual argument I'm making" - vacuousaptitude

"Whats your actual argument? That location of eyes does not prove an animal is herbivore or carnivore? If that is your argument, I agree with that already (which is why I made this post in the first place) so no argument there." - Shakahareevegan

"Yes that's my argument." - vacuousaptitude
- That is a pointless argument, meant to deflect attention from the facts, as I've explained enough times already. It's not about the location of eyes on animals in general, this specifically applies to mammals. The best that Shillhareevegan could do was pretend that 1) primates are herbivores (which is incorrect), 2) humans are omnivores (incorrect), and 3) mice are carnivores/omnivores (also incorrect). To claim that humans are not obligate carnivores, when literally every other mammal with front-facing eyes is anatomically designed to eat meat, is beyond ridiculous. It's full-blown delusional, borderline retarded. Hence why he could not disprove the truth, only his own strawman fallacy.

Jalen Sills (aka Jalen Shills) on youtube, just a random example of another deluded vegan who has no idea what he's talking about. Here are a few simple facts he doesn't understand:
- The human body and brain starves on a vegan diet. Those who follow and promote such a destructive idealogy are NWO pawns, who support the killing of far more animals (entire ecosystems in fact) than most slaughterhouses. Meat heals the body, especially organ meats.
- Animal products are not unhealthy, nor do they sit in the colon, rotting and undigested. That is literally what plants do, because humans are obligate carnivores, not ruminants. We digest meat, not fiber. Have fun getting your B12, D3, K2, Retinal, etc. from an impossible burger. Also, not to mention the cognitive dissonance of imitating meat products, despite saying you don't want to eat meat.

William Schnoebelen, a monstrous shill of extreme proportions, also made a lengthy video, full of bullshit lies, where he fails to debunk the Weston A Price foundation. It's called "SWALLOWING BIG FAT LIES", and is comprised of 50 minutes of this maniac swallowing all the big fat lies his masters tell him to, and then regurgitate it back out for his audience, with even more stupid claims. I watched a few minutes and decided not to waste my time debunking his failed debunk attempt. It's obvious the man is unhealthy, delusional, and a puppet for his illuminati overlords. Plenty of others have disproven this shill, and all the things he claims, science has already disproven. Perhaps at a later time, myself or someone else will debunk this video point-by-point, but for now I don't feel like wasting my time on such a sad, delusional shill. Bill is known for spewing all kinds of big fat lies and trying to get his audience to swallow them. WAPF knows far more than this stupid old man about health... SUGAR AND CARBS LITERALLY FUCKING FEED CANCER CELLS. If you want to have a hardy chuckle, watch his abominable propaganda vomit here (be sure to downvote it too):

Is living a long, healthy life a priority for you and your family? If you or someone you love is eating a Paleo or Keto diet that includes animal products, why haven’t you heard about the thousands of documented studies proving these Paleo-based diets – without exception - slowly kill (heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s etc.) making way for disease even to the corruption of DNA? Sadly, many have been SWALLOWING BIG FAT LIES! And GUESS WHO is behind this slick ad campaign keeping artery-clogging meats, eggs and dairy in the Western diet - destroying hundreds of thousands of lives each year with crippling disease and death – all while claiming cholesterol is a ‘super food’?!!? Get ready as Dr. William Schnoebelen, N.D., brings Scriptural Truth and documented scientific studies to light concerning differences between the Genesis diet for longevity and how we’ve been hoodwinked today through Paleo - in this heart-healthy, passionate Teaching Video! Learn how this happened as Dr. Bill exposes today’s Paleo-based fad diets and learn the TRUTH about Weston Price, a dentist who only postulated on nutrition based on the African Masai and other indigenous peoples and the condition of their teeth during the 1930s…! Find out how this faulty evidence was sold to the public and morphed into the PALEO AND PALEO-BASED DIETS YOU’VE SWALLOWED HOOK, LINE AND SINKER! SPECIAL NOTE: PRAISE Yahushua Messiah! We love and trust in His Set-Apart Word! We do NOT condemn anyone for eating animal products. BUT we are led by the Ruach (Set Apart Spirit) to expose the LIES broadcasted by ha satan to steal, kill and destroy Abba's People...Dr. Bill knows that following Abba's Original Intent is ALWAYS the BEST Way to live your life FREE of oppression, disease AND Supernaturally FULFILL ALL the years Abba intends for YOU!

For the sake of brevity I'll at least debunk his outrageous video description text, in bullet-point fashion:
1) Living a long, healthy life is not possible on a vegan diet. Paleo is better than Vegan, but Raw Carnivore Keto is best.
2Haven't you heard about the thousands of years of human history documenting how eating meat heals people and prevents disease?
3) All the fake studies funded by NWO zionazi elitists and their brainwashed shills, can be disproven with the scientific method. Vegan Paleo might cause heart disease, but Carnivore Keto prevents it.
4) Alzheimer's is caused by sugar, aluminum, fluoride, toxins in vaccines, chemtrails, and more. Eating raw grass-fed meat (not pumped full of atrazine, hormones, pesticides, and other crap) helps the body heal from the damage these things cause.
5) Eating processed vegetable seed oils is proven to corrupt DNA and RNA - not the natural ancestral human diet of raw animal products.
6) Sadly, vegan shills like Bill encourage you to swallow those big fat lies about how meat is bad for you! Cholesterol (needed for D3) is bad! Saturated fats are bad! Listen to the government and die!
7) Guess who is behind Bill Schnoebelen's vegan agenda? That's right, Bill Gates, Freemasons, Rothschilds, etc.
8) Meat doesn't clog arteries (you have crisco for that). Conflation of poor quality grain-fed animal products with high quality, natural grass-fed animal products, is typical vegan strawman propaganda.
9) The grain-fed meat industry sure kills thousands of lives each year, but due to the non-meat components of the product. Veganism kills even more, whereas eating healthy grass-fed animal products saves thousands of lives each year.
10) Cholesterol is an essential nutrient, required to survive. It is contained, along with many other nutrients, in super-foods such as egg yolks, organ meats, bone marrow, caviar, and shellfish (especially raw oysters and clams). Without enough cholesterol, you absorb barely any D3 from sunlight. Making people vitamin deficient is one way to kill them off, reducing global population which is one of their goals.
11) Anyone who tries to weave Vegan lies with Religious lies suffers from extreme mental illness, not to mention a total disrespect for the universe, life, and the creator itself. Bill has no understanding of God, and is a servant of evil/Satan.
12) The modern day "paleo trend" is not real paleo, it's a bunch of marketing BS and strawman fallacies meant to distract people from discovering and implementing optimal human nutrition. It's there for people who are a bit smarter than vegans, but is really just a fancier type of bait on the same hook. The same goes for the "cornivore cultmunity" of funded feedlot shills like Bart Kay, Shawn Baker, etc.
13) Weston Price did far more than what Bill gives him credit for. And he was certainly not the first to discover such truths about the native indigenous tribes all around the world. His book contains empirically verified facts, none of which Bill actually manages to debunk.
14) Only disinfo shills try to morph the facts into their own artificial belief systems, based around a bunch of lies. Bill swallowed Satan's bullshit hook, line, and sinker, and wants the rest of his audience to do so. Don't praise the archons he tells you to. Praise the truth instead.
15) Satan is not telling you to eat animals. Nature was designed that way. The consumption of only plants by humans leads to oppression, disease, and eventually death. The Saturn Matrix is telling you to go vegan and die, because it wants to harvest the loosh of its sacrificial energy slaves. There is far more to that which I won't get into here.

As you can see, it would take many hours to debunk that whole shit-show of a video in it's entirety. I have better things to do, but this should prove enough of the point. Nature itself debunks veganism. If and when evil is finally defeated on a planetary scale, then nature will restore the proper balance, as it was in the beginning.
- CarnivoreTruth

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